Benefit From CLI Services

CLI offers a whole portfolio of services to help our customers make the most of our FACTS™ software. Services range from project planning and execution to training, support, and expansion. Our Fit Analysis determines which modules you need and when to expand your implementation. Our extensive experience in process engineering equips us to help you leverage your software purchase for more value.

Using FACTS™ and CLI’s related services brings our customers many administrative, operational, and financial benefits. We live and breathe the transportation industry, and that deep expertise allows us to provide knowledgeable support for our clients.

Our solution provides real-time information to staff members across the business to increase productivity and improve decision-making. More efficient use of dispatchers and better communication between drivers means trucks can make more stops while using less mileage. Loading and routing of trucks can be carried out more efficiently. Being part of a winning team improves driver and dispatcher satisfaction.

Most operations are covered by FACTS™. Procedures are standardized, making training fast and easy. CLI also provides ongoing training and support services. Our solution automates many processes, reducing risk and cutting through red tape.

Carrier Software Services include:

Pre and Post-Sale

Take advantage of Fit Analysis, installation and conversion, and support services to ensure your transition to FACTSTM goes smoothly. Learn more on our Pre and Post-Sale page here.

Training and Consultation

Take advantage of CLI’s experience customizing our software to meet diverse companies’ needs and getting employees up to speed on the solution. Learn more on our Training and Consultation page here.

Learn more about CLI’s portfolio of services, including how FACTS™ software can help your project planning and more, by connecting with a CLI representative here send an email to