FACTS™ transportation and freight management software from Carrier Logistics Inc. is generating direct and indirect savings for CXI Trucking

“With FACTS from Carrier Logistics Inc. we are realizing cost savings because we can grow our business without having to increase administrative staff. There are also tremendous operational savings that boost our bottom line by increasing efficiency in dispatch, dock and driver activities. We believe that because the software helps us manage our operations so effectively we will continue to be able to onboard new customers carrier partners, and seamlessly manage growth in shipment volumes.”
– Arthur Mroz, Vice President, CXI Trucking

CXI Trucking Case Study-Carrier Logistics

CXI Challenges: Continuous and rapid growth created several urgent needs for CXI Trucking that couldn’t be met by their legacy software system.

Experiencing growth in freight volumes, including increased last mile deliveries for carrier partners, CXI Trucking required additional administrative resources.

Legacy technology in place for ten years at the company didn’t provide automation, requiring repetitive manual processes. Additionally, CXI Trucking’s management system provider was unable to offer ongoing support for its software.

Paper-based business processes and a lack of integrations between existing software and financial systems at CXI Trucking hampered shipment management, including interactions with other carriers, and it slowed the company’s ability to invoice shippers quickly after a shipment had been delivered. In turn, the impact on cash flow extended the time it took to pay bills and process payroll.

In addition, non-integrated systems and limited management reporting slowed access to the up-to-date data CXI Trucking needed to manage and analyze shipment processes and company operations.

The Solution: Having adopted FACTS™ transportation and freight management software for asset-based LTL carriers and the last mile industry in 2013, CXI Trucking has utilized the premier solution to run its growing business. Since that time, through annual releases that are always included, FACTS has grown with CXI.

CXI Trucking Case Study-Carrier LogisticsFACTS provides CXI Trucking with a range of administrative capabilities, including rating and billing as well as the ability to use EDI for load tendering and other activities. Partner solutions enabled through integrations facilitated by CLI simplify document imaging, driver communications and financial processes for the carrier as well.

The CLI software now in place at CXI Trucking features a self-explanatory user interface that makes training simple. New users, according to the carrier, often have the ability to use the system after just a day or two of shadowing a customer service representative or dispatcher. Additionally, online help and other forms of support are always readily available from CLI.

CXI Trucking is utilizing FACTS to manage a dedicated operation involving 500 shipments per week at one of its largest customer’s locations without an on-site dispatcher. CLI created the customized solution at the carrier’s request, although much of the functionality was already available. CXI’s customer has visibility into its loads and the ability to send automated notifications to receivers of the customer’s freight about the status of their shipments.

The Result: Administrative cost savings, improved efficiencies and support for continual growth.

With FACTS, CXI Trucking is realizing substantial administrative cost savings by handling its growing business with fewer customer service representatives. The lower costs have helped make a move to a larger facility with additional freight handling capacity and a sizable increase in warehouse space possible, and the streamlining effect of the software is expected to have exponential value for the carrier.

By providing enhanced visibility into shipments and the status of its equipment, CXI Trucking is leveraging the advanced CLI management software to improve dispatching efficiency, dock activity, and driver and vehicle productivity. Those capabilities are particularly beneficial as the carrier handles and manages a growing number of next day delivery shipments for other carriers.

The operational improvements facilitated by FACTS are having top and bottom line impacts for CXI Trucking, enabling the carrier to generate additional revenue and improve profitability.

The elimination of manual and paper based processes with CLI FACTS not only gives CXI Trucking the ability to be a more lean and “green” organization, but as importantly it provides management with more current, up-to-the-minute data on shipments and operations. The software’s reporting capabilities are also enabling the carrier to more quickly analyze information in multiple ways to find and fix inefficiencies and drive profitability.

The customized solution developed for a dedicated operation at CXI Trucking by CLI is also giving the carrier the ability to bid on similar opportunities, giving them access to even greater growth and development.

CXI Trucking Case Study-Carrier Logistics“FACTS software from CLI has improved customer service because it provides visibility into shipments and trucks with its outstanding tracking capabilities, and its business process and reporting tools let us manage and analyze information in multiple ways to determine profitability. For our staff, FACTS is much easier to learn and use. Its graphical user interface makes training for new personnel almost self-explanatory.”

– Arthur Mroz, Vice President, CXI Trucking

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