
2022 is Carrier Logistics’ golden anniversary. This marks 50 years of CLI’s service to the transportation industry, and we couldn’t be prouder! As we reflect on what we have accomplished over the past 50 years, what we value the most is contributing to our clients’ success. It is our customers, their visions and need for technology, that have made us the company we are today.We invite you to celebrate this milestone anniversary with us. First, please save the date of May 19 for a special networking celebration in New York City. More importantly, we are excited to share some of our product roadmap with you in this newsletter. V12 of FACTS will be released soon, and our goal is to astound you with the new features.

So, yes, fifty years in nice. But we’re still very much focused on the future.

Thank you for your partnership and support. Enjoy the newsletter.

Short Hauls

CLI Participates at SMC3 Conference

Ben Wiesen, president of Carrier Logistics, contributed to a panel at the recent SMC3 Jump Start event. Wiesen was a guest of DDC FPO, as they moderated a panel on DDC Sync, a new enterprise application consisting of an intuitive mobile application and powerful web portal designed to bring the people, processes and data of freight operations into harmony. Also joining the group was Joe Klickas, chief experience officer at The Custom Companies. Sync is installed at The Custom Companies and works seamlessly with CLI’s FACTS system to give carriers unprecedented visibility into their freight.

Longtime CLI Client Celebrates 70th Anniversary

Gardewine, a multi-service transportation company headquartered in Winnipeg, Manitoba, is celebrating 70 years in business. Gardewine offers a wide range of transportation, logistics and warehousing solutions. With a network of nearly 40 terminals, Gardewine serves communities and customers from British Columbia to Quebec. For nearly half of those 70 years, Carrier Logistics has not just been the software provider to Gardewine but their trusted technology partner. CLI thanks Gardewine for their support and congratulates them on this milestone.

Food Logistics Names Carrier Logistics to 2021 Top Software & Technology Providers

Food Logistics, the only publication exclusively dedicated to covering the movement of product through the global cold food supply chain, named Carrier Logistics Inc. to its 2021 Top Software & Technology Providers. The award honors software and technology providers that ensure a safe, efficient and reliable global cold food and beverage supply chain. Thank you Food Logistics for this recognition.

Featured Articles

Carrier Logistics Marks 50 Years in Business

Company, started in 1972, plans celebration and events

Carrier Logistics celebrates their 50th year in business this year. Founded in 1972 by Ken Weinberg, CLI has ridden the technology wave, always keeping up with the times and developing functionality and tools that benefit their clients and keep their software on the leading edge.

FACTS™, CLI’s flagship suite of software, is the premier solution for meeting the unique transportation and freight management needs of asset-based LTL carriers and the last-mile industry. FACTS includes online customer shipping tools, dispatch and driver management, a superior rate engine, cross dock management and a full back-office suite to give transportation professionals the tools they need to operate cost-effectively while providing improved freight visibility to their customers.

With Ben Wiesen and Kevin Linardic now at the helm, CLI plans to celebrate this golden anniversary throughout the year, scheduling special events, launching new initiatives and marking this milestone through various commemorations. Their commitment to “doing well by doing good” will also continue as the company will carry on the tradition of giving back to the community and causes through donations.

Now headquartered in Elmsford, N.Y., CLI is the pioneer in LTL freight management systems and the team looks forward to the next 50 years of providing software that processes and manages the complexities of all aspects needed in a freight management solution.

Digital Security Tips and Tricks

by the Security & Operations Team at ISCorp

ISCORP It’s an unfortunate reality that cyber criminals spend their days plotting and planning how to disrupt our technological lives. The number of instances of this cyber sabotage seems to grow daily. We ignore these threats at our own peril.With that said, here are a few ways to protect yourself from these nefarious activities:

1) Don’t Trust your Email FROM Header
Attackers have been increasingly clever with phishing and spear-phishing attacks, sometimes hiding their email address behind names of real people you trust or spoofing header information. Always be suspicious of unexpected emails, especially if the content seems “urgent,” contains attachments that don’t look right, or involves monetary operations. Email filtering and anti-virus products can help limit the amount of malicious email you receive on a daily basis.

2) Malware
While emails can contain malware, software that is specifically designed to disrupt, damage, or gain unauthorized access to a computer system, malware can also be contracted from other sources as well, including: banner ads, drive-by downloads, malicious links as well as by spreading from host to host within an unsecured network, such as a VLAN. This spreading behavior is especially common in banking malware/trojans such as Emotet, which has seemingly risen from the dead with new authors and servers. It’s important to have good anti-virus protection in the hopes of catching such malware early.

3) Ransomware
Sometimes, malware can demand that you pay a ransom after it has deleted or encrypted your data with a key, possibly known to an attacker. Ransomware has shut down many businesses, some indefinitely. This is especially true in the early days when encryption procedures were less reliable and prone to data loss. Law enforcement agencies generally discourage paying a ransom demand.

4) Security: A Layered Approach
While many of today’s attacks focus on the user intentionally clicking or executing a malicious payload, this actually means that other security protections are working to keep the bad guys out. This doesn’t mean you can be lax about the protection of your patch schedule, firewall, web filter or other security measures. True security in today’s world requires a layered approach designed to frustrate attackers at each step of their process. One of the most effective final layers of protection you can implement is to block outbound Internet access completely or whitelist known-good destinations at the firewall. Obviously, this is challenging on desktop operating systems, where users expect to be able to use their devices unhindered, so an easier target for this control may be servers, which often do not need to talk to undefined Internet locations.

ISCorp has been on the frontline of technology and innovation since 1987. They are the hosting partner of CLI. Click here for more information.


Dock ManagementA video highlighting the new Dock Management Board that improves freight visibility, worker productivity, and loading accuracy has been released by CLI. The video outlines how the new functionality provides full visibility of trailer activity at each service center, with a drill down capability to view inbound and outbound LTL freight in real time.

The DMS system takes the guess work out of dock operations. It provides the exact location and status of every shipment passing through a cross dock facility, allowing LTL carriers to provide their customers with accurate information, while improving cross dock efficiency and reducing misloads.

The video shows how the board has a graphical display that shows the loaded, unloaded and in-progress status of trailers, with icons showing potential operational issues.

Click here to view the Cross Docking video.

For more information on the new Dock Management Board contact sales.

Social Networking Event
CLI will be hosting a networking celebration on May 19 in NYC!

Please block your calendar and look for an email with more details.

Contact Craig Lis for more information.


Get Ready for FACTS V12! Here’s a Sneak Peak

In just a few short months, CLI will release version 12 of FACTS. The theme of this release is automation and optimization. We are always focusing our efforts on new ways to save you time and money and we know that this version is packed with functionality that will do just that. Here are some previews of features available in V12:

  1. Full P&D optimization model to dynamically route deliveries
  2. LOC-AI extended to the pickup operation (know before you go)
  3. System generated pickup rerouting suggestions on the fly
  4. A/R risk evaluation – AI solutions to help you focus on the most important collections issues
  5. Appointment setting enhancements to allow customers to book appointments via text messages and web
  6. Automated DOE* fuel cost updates to automated FSC pricing

Our development team has been dreaming big to bring you these and many other additions to the already robust software suite. We knew that version 12 needed to be something special. 50 years in business is special to us. We know that version 12 will be special to our users.Look for updates and more details on the release date and additional functionality in your email.


*Department of Energy

For 50 years, Carrier Logistics provides amazing and robust technology solutions that power freight and delivery businesses forward. Find out how we can help you increase productivity while cutting costs.



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